Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cross-Border Cyber Terrorism and Internet Crimes Term Paper

Cross-Border Cyber Terrorism and Internet Crimes - Term Paper Example The Internet today is an integral part of every home, society, and business. And for it to remain the key tool for advancement that it is there is a compelling need for awareness, regulation, and legislation. As governments across the world move forward and (hopefully) unite on this issue, these are some of the views that will bear consideration: The ‘Authorities’ View: A priority for regulators is to find ways of tracking down criminals across borders and ensuring they are punished; in a scenario where use of proxy servers assures anonymity this is easier said than done. Therefore, the imperative need for an international strategy and response to cyber attacks that is akin to traditional laws. There are countries today where customers can purchase unregistered data packs with mobile Internet capability, giving them the ability to commit an online crime such as identity theft against people in other nations without fear of being traced. This makes it in the interest of r icher nations to collaborate with the ‘have not’s’ and develop the capacity to address this abuse.  Ã‚   The general view is that these cells need to become more effective to tackle the increasing complexity and ‘creativity’ of the cybercriminal. Of late, legislative bodies have embraced Cyber Laws - a term that encapsulates the legal issues related to using various aspects of networked devices and technologies. These legal enactments - "paper laws" for a "paperless environment"- cover a broad gamut of different aspects relating to computer software, access, and control of digital information, privacy, security, internet access, and usage and electronic commerce. The ‘Popular’ View: Arguably, the most affected by the building public apprehension with respect to cybercrimes are the social media marketers. As users of sites such as Facebook and Twitter start walking on eggshells in the fear of being spammed, hacked or robbed of identity, legitimate businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to reach their target audiences.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay Example for Free

Labeling Theory Of Deviance Essay Various theories have been put forward to explain the causes of crime and delinquency in society. The Labelling theory of crime argues that the tendency to perceive and treat people as offenders precipitates their engagement in crime. It is based on the hypothesis that people will assume the labels that they have been given to them by the society. Labelling in this case works to reinforce deviant behaviour as well as solidifying the deviant identities in the society. In other words labelling people as criminals plays a significant role in increasing or rather causing crime in the society. (Burke R,2005). As Tannenbaum, an early sociologist supporting the labelling theory of crime argued that the process of tagging, defining, identifying, segregating, describing and emphasizing that certain individuals as deserving special treatment is a way of stimulating, suggesting, suggesting and evoking the traits being complained of makes people become what they are described as being. Symbolic interactionalism is based on the agency analysis of deviance and social control. In this case deviance is viewed as a label which is imposed on the subjects who after rejecting or accepting the labels construct deviant identities as well as careers. To change such a situation the need for radical transformation is more of a necessity than a requirement. Labelling theory of crime can be blamed for the increased instances of crime as the criminal justice system tries to curb it. People who are arrested, prosecuted and punished are labelled as ‘criminals’ and the society deems them as such. A large proportion of the society also joins hands in labelling them as such and this increases their tendency to indulge in criminal behaviours. When people are labelled as criminals it is difficult for them to effectively adjust into the society and for instance they may fail to obtain legitimate employment, a factor that increases their likelihood to indulge in crime. (Burke R,2005). They may also face isolation from the mainstream society and this could trigger psychological problems which are highly correlated to criminality. When the labelled criminals internalize the self concept that they are criminals they tend to increase criminality behaviours as after all they are perceived as criminals and should behave as such. (Coser L, 2006). Offenders ought to be treated as sick characters to make it easier for the criminal justice system to offer best treatment for ease reintegration into the society. This way the stigmatization would be dealt with amicably. Labelling could occur from the society as a whole or the system, family, among peers as well as in schools from teachers. Labelling in crime tends to be more frequent or intense among the minority groups whose voice is almost insignificant in society. How a society reacts after it has labelled criminals is what determines if a crime is to dwindle or intensify. Societies that labels criminals and for a long term reject them in the society increases their likelihood to commit crime while the society that tries to assist the labelled criminals to effectively integrate into the society reduces the rates of crime that could have been attributed by labelling. Erving Goffman is among the sociologists whose ideologies could be useful in explaining the labeling theory of crime. He is popular for the notion of total institutions. He defined ‘total institutions’ as places of residence and work where a large number of like-situated individuals are cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time. Together these people lead an enclosed formally administered round of life. Goffman further highlighted the discrepancies between those who reside in the total institutions and those in the larger general population. In the larger population man works, plays and sleeps in varying places, with varying people, different authorities and in the absence of an overall rational plan. (Hawkins J and Kirkland F, 2001). This is contrary with the scenario in the total institutions where there are barriers between those three aspects. Life in the total institutions is clear or definite and this creates the notion that they exist for a good reason among the general population. There is no freedom in the total institutions as is experienced in the ‘home world’ or the general population. To Goffman the inmates being sent to prisons or total institutions already know the culture they are to expect though the reality is actually felt or experienced after admission. (Hawkins J and Kirkland F, 2001). Goffman identified three major phases in the life of an inmate. The first one is before they get into the total institutions that is when they are still in the ‘home world’, when they in the institutions and when they re enter the home world after release from the total institutions. He focused on the similarities that exist in the varying institutions. He argues that all aspects of life are conducted in the same place and under the same or a single authority. This means that all prisons will have similar experiences. All these aspects were carried on in the immediate company of a large batch of others all of whom were treated alike and needed to do the same things together. Another observation made was that all phases of a day’s activities were to be tightly scheduled and one activity led at a pre-arranged time to the next. (Willcocks D, Peace, S and Kellaher l, 1987)Notably, the whole sequence of activities was imposed from a higher system of explicit formal rulings and a body of officials a clear indication of alienation and dominance within the total institutions. The various enforced activities are brought together into a single rational plan which is designed to fulfill the official aims of the institution. The roles that are performed by the inmates in the total institutions serve interests or are for the aims of the institution rather than the individual. Goffman identified four major dimensions of institutional life ranging from the rigidity of the routine, block treatment of inmates, depersonalization of inmates and social distance between the staff and the inmates which Goffman termed as binary management. (Willcocks D, Peace, S and Kellaher l, 1987) Before one gets into prison they are from the ‘home world’ where they already have an established conception of themselves. Entrance into the ‘total institutions’ strips them off the benefits attached to the’ home world’. Here, they are subjected to a series of abasement, degradation and humiliation. The consequence of this is that their self becomes horrified. When in the institution an individual develops a moral career which is determined or influenced by his surrounding. The role of the significant other becomes critical at this point. Goffman observed further that in the total institutions the process by which individuals were mortified was rather standard across all of them. This is a clear indication that life in these institutions is quite different from that which is experienced in the larger world and that it is a difficult task to have inmates maintain the same traits they had before they got there. (Willcocks D, Peace, S and Kellaher l, 1987). Again, since the conditions were similar across the total institutions they were likely to exhibit similar traits. The first restriction of the self for the inmates takes place when the total institutions act as a barrier between the inmate and the general population. In the civilian life one’s sequential roles are not in conflict with one another and so no roles hinders or rather blocks the performance of the others regardless of how frequent they were. Life in the institutions is in such a manner that role scheduling is disrupted as the inmates do not dictate what to do and when to do it. In other words they are denied the freedom to decide what role to perform and at what time. Instead there are round the clock surveillance where orders given are to be followed to the letter. In addition to the role scheduling being disrupted in the institution, role dispossession also takes place, Visitors are restricted and one is also restricted from frequenting places they initially did. Depending on whether the entrance into the total institution was voluntary or involuntary entry to such institutions somehow prepares the individual to withdraw from ‘home world’ or from the general population. (Willcocks D, Peace, S and Kellaher l, 1987). This preparation makes the adaptation in the new environment easier. Involuntary entry into the total institutions is however different as one may not be prepared for the new kind of life. Inmates may find themselves perform some roles that they learnt in the institutions on return to the general world. All the same there are certain houses that will have to be incurred or faced for instance the time for education or parenting. There is also the loss of legal privileges for instance one may not be in a position to attend to court proceedings on matters that affect them directly for instance adoption of a child. These privileges may be short term they maybe enjoyed on the completion of the term. However there are others with long term ramifications. The realization that one has not lost certain rights due to the barrier between him and the outside world may not auger well with him. There are other challenges that the inmate faces on return to the society. For instance there are the admission requirements where certain standards have to be followed or adhered to. On entrance to the total institutions various losses are incurred as for instance one may lose their hair, their identity as they are assigned numbers, they undress and change their clothes and are given institutional uniforms, they list their possessions, have to adhere to the rules and they are also assigned to certain quarters where they are to reside. According to Goffmann’s findings the society is to blame for deviance within it as it subjects people it terms as wrong doers into harsh conditions and expects them to reform. (Willcocks D, Peace, S and Kellaher l, 1987). In the book the ‘Myth of mental illness’ Thomas Szasz argued that mental illness was a myth. To him, the whole idea or notion of psychiatric illness could be termed as ‘scientifically worthless and socially harmful’. (Shorter E, 1997). There are similarities between goffman and szasz ideologies. Goffman backed Szasz when he made the conclusion that the mental health institution he studied could be defined as a ‘total institution’ where ‘the closed system infantilized the patients and restricted their lives’. Goffman noted that the clear difference between the staff and the patients and on entrance to the institutions the patients faced humiliation, degradation, abasement and profanations of the self’. Goffman rejected the idea of prisons and mental health institutions which according to him robbed off the inmates their time. The ‘sentence’ denied them living. The aspect of alienation is clear when the use of power is used by the staff members against the ‘patients’. He condemned the pretence by the staff members that they were out to assist the patients and dismissed it as a mere ’power grab’. (Shorter E, 1997). Szasz argued that although psychological disorders are real, defining them as diseases was a way of imposing coercion in the society. He argued that defining such disorders as illness when they had no correlation with physical sickness was untrue. The only relationship existing between mental disorders and physical illness was the fact that they both made the individual unable to handle their daily activities or duties. (www. mdx. ac. uk). The psychological disorders according to Szasz were brought about by man. He further noted that compulsory psychiatry is a crime against humanity and it undermines freedom in the society. He quoted Mill to justify his observation that ‘the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others. His own good either physical or moral is not sufficiently warranty’. However unlike Mill, Szasz offered or rather provided no exception where power could be used forcefully. He advocated for freedom where all individuals are given the chance to choose what they find best for them. Although the compulsory psychiatry may not be harmful to the patients Szasz argues that it is not compatible with a free society. (www. mdx. ac. uk). He further advocates for the application of universal law which is not discriminative to anyone in the society. The same law applied to those termed as insane ought to be the same applied on those viewed as insane. Treating people otherwise is unfair as it implies that there is no equality and they are treated as special beings. Any form of special treatment on the allegations that one is mentally sick is unfortunate as it treats them as less human beings. (www. mdx. ac. uk). References: Anthony Clare and Peter Sedgwick. Mental Health and Civil Liberties. A theoretical contrast of Thomas Szasz. Retrieved on 5th march 2009 from http://www. mdx. ac. uk/WWW/STUDY/mhhlib. htm#SzaszMyth Dianne M. Willcocks, Sheila M. Peace, Leonie A. Kellaher. 1987. Private Lives in Public Places: A Research-based Critique of Residential Life in Local Authority Old \ Peoples Homes. Taylor Francis Publishers. Edward Shorter 1997. A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac. John Wiley and Sons Publishers John Palmer Hawkins and Faris Kirkland. 2001. Army of hope, army of alienation: culture and contradiction in the American Army communities of Cold War Germany. Greenwood Publishing Group Tim Jordan, Steve Pile, 2002. Open University Social Change. Blackwell Publishing, Lewis Coser. 2006. Crime Theories and the Field of Criminology. Retrieved on 4th march 2009 from http://www. apsu. edu/oconnort/1010/1010lect02. htm.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Prayer - The Most Important Part of our Life Essay -- Prayer Praying

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We need to look at prayer with deeper thoughts. Prayer isn’t just closing your eyes, folding your hands and speaking. Prayer is a much more meaningful part of religion. We all need to pray, God himself demands us to pray. Prayer is defined as an act of God, a god or another object of worship, such as in devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving. When most people pray, they just say the same prayer, like the Lord’s prayer for example. Saying the same prayer isn’t really such a bad thing, its more about the meaning and the time that you spend praying. Prayer shouldn’t just be looked at as a routine or habit, but as more of a love poem to express ones self to God. Questions such as: why do we need to pray? What is this prayer?, and What does God command us to pray for? Are what we should be asking ourselves before we come to God in prayer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prayer is a very important action in all of us as Christians. We should know why we pray and why it is important. We should also know that prayer cant just come from our mouths but from our hearts as well. Our affections cling to self and to worldly objectives; our prayer cannot rise above their level no matter what words we use. In Luke 11:1 it says â€Å" Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.† we should be taught to pray either from the church or from the people around us. Taught in a sense of listening, not actually taking lessons on it. We need to pray because prayer is the most important part of the thank...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Continuities and Chnages of Labor Systems in Africa Essay

Many attempts have been made around the world at reforming current legal systems in search of a better one. As the amount of crime rises worldwide, people are constantly on the lookout for new and improved ways to fight it, and prevent it. Three such attempts involving attempts to change legal systems have been discussed the last half of this course. The change from the system put in place when a country was under colonization, as in Kilamanjaro, and Papa New Guinea. An attempt to revert to the historically cultural ways of dealing with conflict, as in China and India. In addition, an attempt by the more modern industrialized societies to become more attuned to the people with whom they are trying to help, as in Japan, and Santa Anna. By studying these examples and implementing one of them, almost any kind of stagnant legal system can attempt to change for the better. Many countries were colonized throughout the history of the world, by more dominant countries. These colonizing countries often only wanted the newly acquired country for the land, resources, or the labor they could offer. Often these colonizers brought into the new country their style of government and law, neglecting the native people. Many times, this new system caused many of the problems in the colonized country. Two examples of a country being colonized and the subsequent changes that occurred once the colonizers left are in Kilamanjaro and in Papa New Guinea. Kilamanjaro was colonized first by the Germans in the mid 1880’s, and then by the British during WWI, and finally gained independence in 1961 (Tanzania). Each country brought with it their own system of government and law, and attempted to impose these on the people of Kilamanjaro. To the native people, land is extremely important, and often the cause of many conflicts. There are two different types of farmland on the mountain, a high one and a low one, and coffee is the dominant cash crop. Since there isn’t enough prime farming land for everybody, a system of patriarchal lineage developed where the male would give his existing compound to his oldest son, and move somewhere else inviting his youngest so to live with him, and have the farm upon his death. If there was a middle son, he was forced to operate independently. As the population continues to grow rapidly, inevitably, stress has begun to compound this system; there just isn’t enough land for all the people. This led to many conflicts arising over who actually owns land, since it was essential to the survival of the people. Historically the chief was the most important people in Kilamanjaro, as he is responsible for several districts over an area. Chiefs controlled the long distance profitable trade, received half of the cattle fro the wars, could at any time call on his people to help do anything such as build a fence, and sometimes even received an extra child from his people to use as another worker. These chiefs were often fair people, they believed in not squeezing the poor but taxing the rich. They wanted to help the poor, and create a mutuality situation between them and the rich. When it came to conflict resolution chiefs were able to settle disputes, but often didn’t, as many people tried to keep the dispute with in their own family or lineage. They went to the elders instead and sought their advice. A case would go to the chiefs only if deemed necessary by the elders. Under the German period of occupation, this system was altered. They insisted on recognizing the customary law and ruling through the chiefs. However they didn’t really let the chiefs have any power. The Germans took over the long distance trade, wiped out warfare, and stripped from the chiefs their whole base of their power. The chiefs whole basis of power under this system was the fact the Germans recognized them as powerful. Things changed however under the British system. The British saw themselves as more advanced, and thus wanted to civilize the Africans, and help them to create a better system. What they created was a system of duality, where they used traditional law for minor infractions, and British law for the serious crimes. This again takes the power out of the traditional cultural ways of solving disputes, and places it in the colonizers. The Germans took over economically, and the British, while still taking over economically they changed the whole cultural system as well. The British sought to understand the true customary laws of the Africans, and to write them down as a means of reference for settling disputes, a practice which for centuries was never done, yet the locals always managed to solve disputes. They implemented a system of modern British laws, including imposing a statute of limitations on cases. This contradicted with the customary way the Africans dealt with things in the law. The British also wanted to systemize the law, emphasize the rule of the law, and impose their own decisions on local problems. The British also formed a duel court system, one for whites and another for Africans, as an attempt at allowing the locals to retain some form of their historical past. Overall, the British system was naive and morally based, not the way the Africans traditionally operated. Their system, of viewing everything as static and unchanging was too radical for the indigenous people to comprehend. Their whole existence has been based on the cultural laws of their people, and the implementation of those laws as elders, or chiefs saw fit. The local laws were multidimensional and could be seen in different context by the natives at different times, with the British wanting to write everything down and operate from this system of written law, the system changed and the ability of the customary law to change with the times change to. Another example of a colonizing situation was in New Guinea, where it was recently colonized by Europeans. As was the case with the Africans, New Guinea was a farming community, and thus, viewed land as an important commodity. They have a traditional system of â€Å"Big Man† government, no chiefs just several big men who represent the power and authority in the area. They emphasized self-help, and negotiation in their resolving conflicts, but also used the threat of fighting, and the actual fights themselves as a means of resolution. New Guinea differs from Africa in that the Europeans attempted to be less intrusive into their way of life. They patrolled the areas where the people lived, erasing the system of contacts that had been developed among the people. They tried not to be heavy handed but at the same time ruined the connections made between the people that was essential for their resolving disputes. Warfare was looked down upon, and thus the traditional way of resolving disputes was radically erased from the land. Even though the Europeans were trying to be fair and let the traditional system work, they didn’t understand it. They didn’t realize that these conflicts and connections were crucial to the traditional system and was needed for it to be able to operate. These two examples show the problems that colonizers have with trying to impose modernization on a society as remote and backwards as these. They have existed for centuries by their own terms, why should they change now. Legal systems change for reasons other than a dominating colonizing power forcing them to. In China for example, there has long been a history of mediation as a means of settling disputes. This history of mediation was based on the Confucianism, an ideology that emphasizes harmony and respect for one another, along with a hierarchy in all the cosmos, meaning that it emphasized people respecting and getting along with one another, even when settling disputes. It also emphasized that certain people were indeed higher in stature than others were. Mediation under this system placed a strong emphasis on the ritual, and ceremony of settling disputes. Each party in the process has a particular role, and each party is expected to perform in that role. This concept was based on the Li, or the philosophical principle that called for respect and social form. This type of mediation allowed people to save face, and not to publicly admit to wrongdoing. Once the conflict was settled, the issues surrounding the original debate were never discussed again and the party’s left happy with the sense of community restored. This traditional system worked well to preserve the community of the in the traditional sense of the Chinese culture. When communism came into power this system of mediation was preserved, however, slightly altered. It became known as â€Å"comrades court,† which involved many people with anyone having the ability to mediate. This was a very tight association between social mediation and political ideology. It was an extreme form of exclusive mediation, as Greenhouse would have categorized it. It consisted of the political ideology being very influential, and no longer just trying to deal with the interests of the parties involved. Its goal was to educate the population in the beliefs of the government, and resolve the conflicts as quickly and efficiently as possible. Like the old system the face to face part of the process was still in use, however, one didn’t know who would end up getting involved in the mediation process, and often the people feared that the government would get involved and punish them severely, possibly even by death. For this reason many people were afraid of the system and opted not to use it as readily as they had the traditional. With the opening up of China to outside influences, the system has lightly changed as well, although it is nowhere near, where it was before communism. It is still used as the first means of resolving conflicts, however, the vast majority of these cases are being dealt with on the localized level, causing many to feel more at ease with the situation. These local mediation communities are still under heavy control of the communist party, as the â€Å"judges† are often placed there by the party itself. Disputes since the rise of communism have been classified into two categories, those involving ordinary citizens, and those involving crimes against the state. It is where the crime is directed against the state that the process of mediation is pretty much thrown out and the accused is severely punished, prompting the fear of the public. Within both systems, mediation plays a major role, as does the bias against the use of law as a means of resolving disputes. This has led to the widespread acceptance of the mediation system under communist regime even though it differs from the traditional form of mediation. A major difference between the two systems is the way they each look at the conflict itself. In the traditional early period, conflict was seen as unavoidable, and they worked to ensure there wouldn’t be future conflicts. In the communist period, they tend to see conflict as important and productive and don’t attempt to appease all the parties involved in a dispute upon settling it. The major difference however, as it is in most other aspects of Chinese life, is the involvement of the state. In traditional times the state was never involved, maybe occasionally, nowadays the state plays a major role, often squashing any of the traditional characteristics of the system. The state wants its influence to be recognized, its voice to be heard, where as in the past it used to be the voice of the people that was most important, and led to the resolutions lasting and everyone being satisfied by them. The process now, while it may be inexpensive and not involving the courts, is very intrusive into peoples lives, and imposes political values on the people who bring their cases to mediation. Is it better then the traditional sense? I don’t know if it is or not, it is very similar, but much like the rest of China the government sought more control in the everyday affairs of the people, and that is what is happening. A similar situation occurred in India, where there existed a complex system of conflict resolution, but upon the government wanting to modernize the country, most was thrown out. India is also another country that has been colonized, and draws a lot of its government from the British. However, once colonization ended for them, the newly free government had to decide whether or not to revert to the traditional practices of the Jati, or attempt to bring Indian law into the 21st century. Many of the hierarchy of society at the time India was granted freedom were legal professionals from the British days. They wanted to implement a British style of legal system, mainly for their own material gains, as they would be the ones who would be called on as lawyers, and judges. Many people within India opposed this system, seeing it as the culture of the oppressor. They sought to eradicate this system from their country completely. However, as the years of colonization passed the British system gradually became fused with features of the local tradition, especially the local courts system. It became less of an oppressive system and more of a working one. Today the British system has become domesticated to the Indian ways of doing things and a hybrid system has developed. It no longer seems so alien to so many Indians. This example is similar to the Chinese example as the governments of each country are trying to deal with change. In China when the communists took over they only wanted to slightly alter the existing system of mediation, while in India when the British left, the new government only wanted to slightly change the existing system. In both cases, little change was made, only enough to take into consideration the new ideologies of the new government. There is however, a strong backlash against the British system in terms of how it deals with marriage law, but I am choosing not to discuss this issue because it is abstract from the points that I am trying to make. Legal systems also change as they are deemed to be unresponsive, and to out of touch, a is the case in many of the industrialized societies of today. Two examples exist of how changes in the way police are conducting their trade has led to improvements within the society, Japan, and Santa Ana California. The Japanese have made their police much more visible, and eadily available to the public, when compared to the typical American city. This has led to them being much more accepted by the Japanese public than the American police are by our public. They have, for a long time now, abandoned the motorized form of policing in a car, and have instead opted for foot patrols. This brings the actual officer out onto the street, and gets him more involved in the affairs of the people, enabling him to be better capable of stopping trouble before it starts. The whole emphasis on the way the Japanese police has been placed in their continuing efforts to integrate with the community. A system of Kuban’s has been developed as a place in the community where a small number of officers are stationed. There are several Koban through out Japan, as they are the basis for the policing process. These Koban have various connections with various community groups and organization, further placing the public behind the police. Similarly, in Santa Anna California, a new system has been adopted to better integrate the police force with the people they are trying to serve. During the racially tensed 1960’s the police department in the city became very out of touch with the needs of the people in Santa Anna. Police officers began to see themselves as the only form of law, and began to enact their own brand of justice. Public opinion of the department went down, as did the relationship between the department and the public. The city therefore hired a new chief whom implemented several new community oriented policies all aimed at trying to restore the trust of the public. He divided the city into four grids’ and flooded each with police officers, in an attempt to make the police more accessible to the public, and their concerns. He also hired several new citizens to act as officers, without the official tag of being police officers. They handled many of the mundane tasks of police work, which freed up more officers to be out in the public, exposing themselves, and attempting to prevent crime. Due to the large foreign speaking population, he also hired several citizens who could speak the languages of the people, thus making the department more accessible to those who previously have been closed out due to language barriers. Buildings were set up as a neighborhood control center for the police, but also lent it to many community functions. These buildings, which were very similar to the Koban in Japan, were an attempt to invite the public in and welcome them into the police world. As in Japan, the public was welcomed in and encouraged to make complaints, give information about possible criminal activity, or just sit down and get to know the officers. All of this was done in an attempt to win over the public, and make them feel more comfortable with the police department. It is very similar to the way the Japanese system is set up in that they both work from the grassroots level, using the human resources approach rather than an authoritative system, and the strong desire to integrate with the community, and make them feel more comfortable with the police. As I have demonstrated, changes have taken place in legal systems around the world, some for the better and some not. However, they all end up, in one way or another to reflect the belief that traditional methods are best. Without any inclusion of traditional methods law itself wouldn’t be able to be applied to masses of people.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing channels Essay

Analyze the Supply and Demand side gaps for LA before the alliance. 2) Based on your analysis in 1), which elements of the distribution channel are ineffective at Laura Ashley before the alliance? 3) Evaluate the decision to enter a strategic alliance from the perspective of both Laura Ashley and Federal Express. What are the real opportunities and risks of this approach? 4) How likely is it that the partnership will succeed over the long term? What will it take for both companies to make it successful? Minolta Case 1) What are the challenges facing Minolta? 2) What do you think of Mr Izuhara’s proposed solution to the grey export problem? 3) Discuss the â€Å"tactical changes† proposed by Mr Kusumoto by considering the implications of each proposed changes for Minolta’s marketing strategy and competitive position. 4) Do you see any other alternatives for solving the grey export problem? HP consumer products Case 1) Describe HP’s current distribution system. 2) What functions and channel flows do the retailers accomplish for HP? 3) What are the benefits which a consumer might obtain via an HP presence on the Internet and the benefits to HP – in particular; is it cheaper to sell on-line? 4) What kind of on-line presence do you think HP should have? Why? Supercuts Case 1) What alternatives does Dave have for resolving the problem with Kevin and Wendy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these alternatives? How would you implement your choice? 2) Analyze the risks and returns of owning a Supercuts franchise in one location. 3) Assuming Dave continues granting new franchises, should he look primarily for large franchisees or smaller ones? For example, should he prefer three franchisees, each with four locations over one twelve-store franchisee for a given area, assuming comparable financial credentials? Why? 4) Assume for discussion purposes that owning locations versus franchising them constitutes a reasonably attractive use of capital. If that capital is available, should Dave move in this strategic direction? Why or why not?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Facts on Criminal Behaviour for a Research paper

10 Facts on Criminal Behaviour for a Research paper If you are writing a research paper on criminal behavior, there are many things you should consider. Review the facts below to help give you some direction into what information is out there: There are many competing theories for why people commit crimes just as there are many types of crimes to commit. The Rational Choice Theory stated that criminal behavior can be divided into the victimized, the rational, and the predestined. But the Trait Theory states that there is a biological reason behind criminality, something which relates to a physical or biological trait inside of the person who commits the crime. In criminology, the examinations why individuals commit certain crimes is an ongoing process from which multiple theories have in merge. The reason it is important to study criminal behavior is to find the best solutions to reduce crime, specifically to reduce certain types of crime. The social disorganization theory states that the physical and social environment of an individual is responsible for the behavioral choices they make. Individual to live in neighborhoods where there is high crime, for school, and high unemployment might be more prone to committing specific crimes. This theory is applicable to petty crimes relating to drug use, left, and even illegal immigration. Strain theory states that almost all people have similar aspirations but not everybody has the same ability or opportunity. When certain people are unable to achieve the things they want through hard work simply because they dont have the same opportunities or abilities of someone else they might try to achieve that same level of success through crime. This is something also applicable to things such as the sale of drugs or illegal immigration. The social learning theory is a theory which purports that people will become motivated to commit certain crimes based on those with whom they associate. This is one particularly important when studying recidivism rates because it lends itself to the idea that those who might fall under the string theory or social disorganization theory could eventually succumb to social learning theory especially if they are put into prison for an extended period of time.   A young child who grows up in a poor neighborhood and cannot find employment opportunities might succumb to social disorganization theory and commit a small robbery in order to feed his family.   This small robbery can land the individual in jail where he associates with other criminals who have different skill sets and eventually it comes to social learning theory which leads him to commit more serious and violent crimes upon his release, contributing to high recidivism rates. There are many technologies used today to enhance our understanding of crimes and criminal behavior. The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System within the United States is maintained by the FBI and is used to house a criminal history system. Members of the criminal justice system can use this to automatically search for fingerprints, by placing a suspected person’s finger onto the pad of a wireless technological device. It can also be used for electronic image storing or exchanging fingerprints and responses. The AFIS maintained by the FBI is the second largest biometric databases throughout the world, containing records of over sixty six million subjects. With a fingerprint there is an associated criminal history for each subject alongside over twenty five million civil fingerprints. This technology has helped prevent criminal behavior by subjecting anyone interested in employment with a house for vulnerable minors to a fingerprint and background check to verify any criminal record. Any criminal history is catalogued alongside non-criminal source information such as employment background checks. During an investigation, criminal justice agencies can request a search through IAFIS while they are undergoing a criminal investigation. Scanning fingerprints into AFIS live uses Livescan. Instead of making an impression onto a piece of paper with ink, the fingerprint is placed onto the glass which is above a camera unit and pressed flat and rolled to give an impression. Once this is done, finge rprint technicians scan the print and use computer algorithms to mark the deltas, cores, and minutia points on the finger which runs the results through a search and processes which matches are of the highest quality. Facial recognition is a computer application which can automatically identify an individual through a video source. It uses either a digital image or a video frame to compare certain facial features to the database of facial features. This can be used in conjunction with fingerprint systems to provide additional assurance of the identity. The technology behind facial recognition extracts the shape, size, and position of the jaw, the cheekbones, the nose, and the eyes while also noting any landmark features. The algorithms which are a part of the application normalize the images, compress the data, and retain only useful data while comparing the image with other face data. The technology uses geometric algorithms and photometric algorithms. The first uses any distinguishing features while the second compares values of the image through statistics to eliminate any variances. New developments in the field use 3 dimensional recognition to capture all of the aspects of a face and its shape, identifying surface features such as the chin, the nose, and the contour of both eye sockets. This advanced technology is not affected by any changes in the light and can recognize an individual from the profile view. This technology offers many advances in terms of precise recognition, using sensors to project censored light to capture different spectrums along the face. The application can now capture skin texture including lines, spots, and patterns. Social control theory states that people will naturally commit a crime if there are no control in society which stop them. These controls take the form of schools, churches, families, and places of business. This relates to other theories insofar as it states that an individual who has a support structure socially speaking such as a job, a family, or even a school will be less inclined to commit crimes wear at somebody who doesnt have these things will succumb to the environment in which they live and the lack of social control thereby committing crimes. These facts should get you up the speed with the subject of criminal behavior. If you need more professional research paper help we also have a guide on criminal behavior for a research paper that you may check as well as our 20 topics and 1 sample essay. References: Bartol, Curt R.  Criminal Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980. Print. Browers, Michaelle. Minorities In Islam/Muslims As Minorities.  Contemporary Islam  8.3 (2014): 211-215. Web. Cassel, Elaine and Douglas A Bernstein.  Criminal Behavior. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001. Print. Chambliss, William J.  Crime And Criminal Behavior. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2011. Print. Clinard, Marshall B and Richard Quinney.  Criminal Behavior Systems. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. Print. Criminal Evidence.  Journal of Criminal Justice  15.1 (1987): 101. Web. Yaffe, Gideon. In Defense Of Criminal Possession.  Criminal Law and Philosophy  (2014): n. pag. Web.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Death of a Salesmen

Death Of A Salesman: Willy and Biff The play Death Of A Salesman, the brainchild of Arthur Miller was transformed and fitted to the movie screen in the year 1986. The play itself is set in the house of Willy Loman, and tells the melancholy story of a salesman who is in deep financial trouble, and the only remedy for the situation is to commit suicide. In the stage production of this tale that I saw last summer in Wisconsin, the specific lighting, set, and musical designs really gave the story a strong undertow of depression. For example, when Willy was alone in his room talking to himself, they would only use a spot light and would focus more of it on his face causing a shadow effect on his eyes, making him look even older. Logically the screen and stage productions both differ greatly in regards to the mood they set. Moreover the movie production can do many things that just cannot be done on stage, with reference to the setting of course. For example in this case a stage production cannot flash back without ha ving to reset the stage or reset the scene with different characters whereas in the film production they could just fade out and reshot the next scene without the audience seeing this. To generalize, the play gives us a good hard look at the great American Dream failing miserably through the character Biff and Willy Loman. Death of a Salesman specifically focuses on four characters, the first being the main character Willy Loman, and his wife Linda, and their two sons Hap and Biff Loman. As mentioned, the focal point of this play is Willy Loman, a salesman in his early sixties. Throughout the story we are told the hard life, emotions and triumphs of Willy the salesman. Early in the play we learn that he has recently been demoted to working for commission, which later in the play, translates into Willy getting fired. As the plot unfolds we discover that Willy had a rich brother who recently died named Ben, who... Free Essays on Death of a Salesmen Free Essays on Death of a Salesmen Death Of A Salesman: Willy and Biff The play Death Of A Salesman, the brainchild of Arthur Miller was transformed and fitted to the movie screen in the year 1986. The play itself is set in the house of Willy Loman, and tells the melancholy story of a salesman who is in deep financial trouble, and the only remedy for the situation is to commit suicide. In the stage production of this tale that I saw last summer in Wisconsin, the specific lighting, set, and musical designs really gave the story a strong undertow of depression. For example, when Willy was alone in his room talking to himself, they would only use a spot light and would focus more of it on his face causing a shadow effect on his eyes, making him look even older. Logically the screen and stage productions both differ greatly in regards to the mood they set. Moreover the movie production can do many things that just cannot be done on stage, with reference to the setting of course. For example in this case a stage production cannot flash back without ha ving to reset the stage or reset the scene with different characters whereas in the film production they could just fade out and reshot the next scene without the audience seeing this. To generalize, the play gives us a good hard look at the great American Dream failing miserably through the character Biff and Willy Loman. Death of a Salesman specifically focuses on four characters, the first being the main character Willy Loman, and his wife Linda, and their two sons Hap and Biff Loman. As mentioned, the focal point of this play is Willy Loman, a salesman in his early sixties. Throughout the story we are told the hard life, emotions and triumphs of Willy the salesman. Early in the play we learn that he has recently been demoted to working for commission, which later in the play, translates into Willy getting fired. As the plot unfolds we discover that Willy had a rich brother who recently died named Ben, who...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History of the City of Antigua, Guatemala

The History of the City of Antigua, Guatemala The city of Antigua, the capital of Sacatepà ©quez Province, Guatemala, is a charming old colonial city that for many years was the political, religious and economic heart of Central America. After being destroyed by a series of earthquakes in 1773, the city was abandoned in favor of what is now Guatemala City, although not everyone left. Today, it is one of Guatemala’s top visitor destinations. The Conquest of the Maya In 1523 a group of Spanish conquistadores led by Pedro de Alvarado swept into what is now northern Guatemala, where they came face to face with the descendants of the once-proud Maya Empire. After defeating the mighty K’iche kingdom, Alvarado was named Governor of the new lands. He set up his first capital in the ruined city of Iximchà ©, home of his Kaqchikel allies. When he betrayed and enslaved the Kaqchikel, they turned on him and he was forced to relocate to a safer area: he chose the lush Almolonga Valley nearby. Second Foundation The previous city had been founded on July 25, 1524, a day dedicated to St. James. Alvarado thus named it â€Å"Ciudad de los Caballeros de Santiago de Guatemala,† or â€Å"City of the Knights of St. James of Guatemala.† The name moved with the city and Alvarado and his men set up what essentially amounted to their own mini-kingdom. In July of 1541, Alvarado was killed in battle in Mexico: his wife, Beatriz de la Cueva, took over as Governor. On the unlucky date of September 11, 1541, however, a mudslide destroyed the city, killing many, including Beatriz. It was decided to move the city once again. Third Foundation The city was rebuilt and this time, it prospered. It became the official home of the Spanish colonial administration in the area, which covered most of Central America up to and including the southern Mexican State of Chiapas. Many impressive municipal and religious buildings were built. A series of Governors ruled the region in the name of the King of Spain. Provincial Capital The Kingdom of Guatemala never much in the way of mineral wealth: all of the best New World mines were in Mexico to the north or Peru to the south. Because of this, it was difficult to attract settlers to the area. In 1770, the population of Santiago was only about 25,000 people, of which only 6% or so were pure-blooded Spanish: the rest were mestizos, Indians and blacks. In spite of its lack of wealth, Santiago was well-located between New Spain (Mexico) and Peru and developed into an important commercial hub. Many of the local aristocracies, descended from the original conquistadors, became merchants and prospered. In 1773, a series of major earthquakes leveled the city, destroying most of the buildings, even the ones which had been well built. Thousands were killed, and the region was plunged into chaos for a while. Even today you can see fallen rubble at some of Antigua’s historical sites. The decision was made to move the capital to its present location in Guatemala City. Thousands of local Indians were conscripted to move what could be salvaged and to rebuild on the new site. Although all of the survivors were ordered to move, not everyone did: some remained behind in the rubble of the city they loved. As Guatemala City prospered, the people living in the ruins of Santiago slowly rebuilt their city. People stopped calling it Santiago: instead, they referred to it as â€Å"Antigua Guatemala† or â€Å"Old Guatemala City.† Eventually, the â€Å"Guatemala† was dropped and people began referring to it as simply â€Å"Antigua.† The city rebuilt slowly but was still large enough to be named the capital of Sacatepà ©quez Province when Guatemala became independent from Spain and (later) the Federation of Central America (1823–1839). Ironically, â€Å"new† Guatemala City would be hit by a major earthquake in 1917: Antigua largely escaped damage. Antigua Today Over the years, Antigua retained its colonial charm and perfect climate and is today one of Guatemala’s premier tourist destinations. Visitors enjoy shopping at the markets, where they can purchase brightly colored textiles, pottery and more. Many of the old convents and monasteries are still in ruins but have been made safe for tours. Antigua is surrounded by volcanoes: their names are Agua, Fuego, Acatenango and Pacaya, and visitors like to climb them when it is safe to do so. Antigua is particularly known for Semana Santa (Holy Week) festivities. The city has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

W4 D566 Sentiment & Social Analytics using Text & Web Based Mining Essay

W4 D566 Sentiment & Social Analytics using Text & Web Based Mining - Essay Example They are useful for examining the social structure and interdependencies (or work patterns) of individuals or organizations. SNA involves collecting data from multiple sources (such as surveys, emails, blogs and other electronic artifacts), analyzing the data to identify relationships, and mining it for new information† (Social Networking Analysis, 2013, p. 1). The relationships among these terminologies include the collection of information about people’s sharing of information through posts, ideas, and other communication medium and identification of some evident pattern or trend. The disparities among these terms include the use or medium to disseminate crucial information solicited through social analysis: social analytics, per se, is broader in range; while SNA specifically identified social networks as the predominant medium of information

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summarize statistical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summarize statistical paper - Essay Example To convert mass into energy one needs to cause mass defect by fission of heavy nuclides like U235 and Pu239; which is done inside a nuclear reactor using nuclear fuel elements. In this process, lot of radioactive waste is generated, which needs to be stored safely for very long periods of time (thousands of years). However, there is no precedence available on safe storage of such materials over such a period of time; therefore, whatever is the existing knowledge level is utilized for this purpose. These radioactive wastes are stored in a sealed metallic canisters and these canisters are then stored in repository considered to be safe. However, the incidents of activity leakage do occur and there are certain causes of the leakage and certain probability associated with the causes of leakage and to the activity leakage itself. It is therefore, relevant to understand probability. There are outcomes of any event; like if a coin is tossed it will end up with either a head or a tail. With each outcome there is an associated probability or a chance. As there are only two possible outcomes of this event and each of the outcomes is equally likely, therefore, the probability of getting either a head or a tail is  ½. Similarly one can extend the outcome and say that for a unbiased dice; chances of getting either of the six numbers is 1/6. These arguments can be extended further to calculate probability of different outcomes associated with an event. Probabilities are very important in modern day life as application of this concept is embedded in almost every sphere of our life. Let us proceed further to discuss somewhat complex situation. Let us take an example in which three plates R, G and B are kept in a box and each of the three plates is having identical sized balls of colors Red, Green and Black respectively. If a person is asked to draw a ball from this box, without looking inside the box, then probability that he draws a ball from either of the plates R,

Regulating Corporate Power and Company Law in United Kingdom Essay

Regulating Corporate Power and Company Law in United Kingdom - Essay Example Pirg, 2007)1. Though this can be seen as a positive development by Congress, in favour of public interest, a lot more needs to be done in protecting the public. There is a lot to be desired, but governments around the world face stiff legislative moves by an entity, that seeks to make the most of their interest at the interest of the public- the corporate. On 3 October 2002, the contract of the British Railway with Railtrack came to an end, which initiated the government to establish Network Rail as the new contractor, provided Network Rail guaranteed that it would reinvest the profits into further railway infrastructure development in the pursuit of a safer and more reliable railway system. On closer observation, it is clear that these guarantees raise serious concerns in respect of the accountability of Network Rail; firstly, as its status as a private sector organisation, and secondly, its implications for the Treasury and the tax payer. This view could have been avoided had the Government adopted an alternative approach, commonly referred to as a 'government sponsored enterprise'. This would have given the government more authority in handling such a vital transport system in the country. This was not to be, and the government again goofed up an opportunity to gain increased control of the railway infrastructure at a significantly reduced price. The corporate was successful in twisting the government arm to its benefit (Lisa Whitehouse, 2003)2. Large, transnational corporations (TNC) are becoming increasingly powerful. Additional problems result from a variety of social injustice and human rights violations. This is not to say that corporates are a bane to society, but the muscle power of corporates to dictate and run policies in their favour is most disturbing. Profits are the driving factor, and not workers satisfaction. Corporates work tirelessly to improve their market presence and in the bargain, has no time or inclination to focus on the treatment vetted to their co-workers, or how society and the environment are affected. Sometimes, the role of these multinational giants can be seen in the backdrop of deliberate abdication of social clauses and regulations to maximise their profits. These companies manipulate international trade pacts and agreements, in order to maximise profits, such as cheap labour, government incentives and subsidies, tax rebates and so on (Anup Shah, 2002)3. Tax avoidance adds to the woes of the general public. Suppressing the formation of workers union to fight for their co-workers justice, these corporates run the show to their advantage at all levels. The future for the workers looks

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Health Intervention in Hospitals General Medical Services Essay

Marketing Health Intervention in Hospitals General Medical Services Ltd - Essay Example In the general area of commercial market, marketing is often considered as ‘an exchange between marketers and consumers that aim to satisfy consumer needs and maximize the return on investment for shareholders; thus, there is an inevitable and omnipresent tension between marketers' interests and those of consumers which form the basis for different positions on the ethics continuum of marketing practices’. It has also been observed that ‘placing consumers' interests against those of marketers on the ethics continuum may be too simplistic, because it may imply that marketing is a zero-sum game and reject the possibility of a win-win outcome; both marketers and consumers may form their perceptions of the ethics of specific marketing scenarios according to ethical principles such as rights, justice, fairness, and equity; in many cases, marketers and consumers agree on the ethical evaluations of certain marketing scenarios and raise no ethical concerns. From a differen t point of view, marketing has been characterized as ‘a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what the need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others’. Moreover, traditional marketing has been divided into ‘four segments denominated as the place, promotion, product, and price’. Referring to health care, marketing concerns: access "place"- the ability of a patient to get into the health care delivery system as well as the location where health care goods and services are sold;

Business Studies LocationBreakeven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Studies LocationBreakeven - Essay Example Also inventory would not need to be stored thus stock holding costs would also be reduced. (Unit 88) Having the suppliers close by is important, having the customers nearby also matters. The business revenue directly depends on the location which is easily accessible to the customer. Also it should be at such a place where the flow of customers is high or the population density is high so that the business product is exposed to the customers as much as it can. The transport network plays a vital role in selecting a location. The raw materials need to come via a transport route. The customers have to visit the storefront and purchase the product. Therefore the road network in the immediate vicinity needs to be good. Furthermore the location should be at such a place where train/ship/plane network is close by so that connectivity to local and international business centres is maintained. (Business Review, 2003) The actual piece of land selected for locating the business needs to be seen from the cost point of view as well. There should be room for future expansion. For customer storefronts, spacious land with space for car parking is sometimes required. The geological stability of the land area also needs to be considered as well as the knowledge of high seismic activity zones near the area. The use of Greenfield and Brownfield sites are being increasingly used in the UK. (Unit 88) Labour For a new business finding an area where skilled labour is available is also one of the factors to be considered since the skills required for the job are not always available in the locality. For an existing business moving to another location has the problem of persuading the existing employees to start coming to the new facility. They might have to relocate their homes, or change their office hours due to traffic etc. which might cause inconvenience. (Business Review, 2003) Government Influence The government of some counties may give incentives, like low priced land, to businesses to locate in some areas. The government may want to keep industries only in industrial areas and give incentives such as subsidized land and labour rates etc. (Unit 88) Image Most storefronts bank on the type of area where they are located. For a branded store, having an outlet in the posh area of the city makes sense. Thus a business wanting to create an impression and keep its status high in order to charge premium prices from the customers would need to locate in expensive localities. (Business Review, 2003) Hassle of Relocation When the business moves to a different area, a certain bit of disruption is caused to the business activities. The suppliers may not want to come to the new location. The employees would have to change their routine or even relocate themselves. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Health Intervention in Hospitals General Medical Services Essay

Marketing Health Intervention in Hospitals General Medical Services Ltd - Essay Example In the general area of commercial market, marketing is often considered as ‘an exchange between marketers and consumers that aim to satisfy consumer needs and maximize the return on investment for shareholders; thus, there is an inevitable and omnipresent tension between marketers' interests and those of consumers which form the basis for different positions on the ethics continuum of marketing practices’. It has also been observed that ‘placing consumers' interests against those of marketers on the ethics continuum may be too simplistic, because it may imply that marketing is a zero-sum game and reject the possibility of a win-win outcome; both marketers and consumers may form their perceptions of the ethics of specific marketing scenarios according to ethical principles such as rights, justice, fairness, and equity; in many cases, marketers and consumers agree on the ethical evaluations of certain marketing scenarios and raise no ethical concerns. From a differen t point of view, marketing has been characterized as ‘a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what the need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others’. Moreover, traditional marketing has been divided into ‘four segments denominated as the place, promotion, product, and price’. Referring to health care, marketing concerns: access "place"- the ability of a patient to get into the health care delivery system as well as the location where health care goods and services are sold;

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Term Paper

Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) - Term Paper Example However, each improvement in the aviation industry has got a ripple effect that brings change all through the industry (Salas and Maurino, 2010). The demands for air travel have continued to grow, resulting to unprecedented growth within the industry. Growth in the aviation industry has resulted to an expanded workforce that has put pressure on aviation companies to reduce training period and quickly train qualified pilots (Salas and Maurino, 2010). At the same time, technological advancement is helping in implementation of highly complex, computerized systems that change the manner pilots and other personnel relate with other aircrafts. Similarly, there have been calls for broad improvements in traffic control system putting more pressure on industry professionals and researchers. All these influences, thus, have had a great impact on the industry and on the human factors. This present paper discusses the impact of NextGen will have on the human factors in the aviation industry. Nex tGen technology Despite program by Next Generation Air Traffic System (NextGen) being merely one of the many vehicles of transformation in aviation industry, presently, it stands for the most remarkable call for transformation in the aviation industry. ... Through the use of this new technology, the NextGen technology is bound to considerably improve service provision. For instance, projections by NextGen estimate that there is the need to reduce clogging in the air transports system of the US (FAA, 2007) NextGen has availed data equipment that has the ability to tap weather sources all over the airspace. This data has also enabled to provide accurate information on what lies ahead for any particular flight. This ability is also remarkably since aircrafts can access timely information from all dimensions (Salas and Maurino, 2010). The human factor through NextGen has totally overhauled earlier and outdated ways used by airspace bodies. This has significantly changed aviation sector since National Airspace System (NAS) of the US has managed to install better traffic loads. Moreover, it has also helped to project better means by reducing gridlock as well as maintaining safety in the aviation department. Essentials and Benefits Fundamenta l measures and improvements that NextGen has applied to refurbish human factor in the aviation sector include the inception of System Wide Information Management, Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast, Next Generation Data Communications, Next NAS voice switch and Generation Enabled Weather. Through the use of, Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B), NextGen (GPS) satellite signals offer efficient information to air controllers and pilots. Such information is much accurate and has increased aircraft safety through safe navigation in the sky. Besides, ground safety for airplanes has tremendously improved. In addition, NextGen has improved the human factor by fixing airplanes with special transceivers known as

Monday, October 14, 2019

African americans and Native americans Essay Example for Free

African americans and Native americans Essay African Americans and American Indians or Native Americans are two of the major subordinate groups in America today. They face many forms of oppression from the dominant group and have many things in common when it comes to this oppression. I would like to focus on five specific types of oppression they face: stigmatization, segregation, ethnocentrism, prejudice, and discrimination. African Americans are facing stigmatization far less these days, but if one looks back a half-century, they will find countless examples. Stigmatization can include the de-humanization, labeling, characterizing, and degrading of a group. During slavery, blacks were stigmatized into the happy and carefree characters Mammy and Sambo. This was done to show that slavery was good and blacks probably wouldnt be able to function in free society. When slaves were freed, blacks were painted as savages that could not be trusted to live normally. Caricatures of blacks with exaggerated features and portraits of the characters Sambo and Mammy still exist today. For Native Americans, stigmatization is far worse. Countless sports teams have a Native American as their mascot, some having very derogatory names such as the Washington Redskins. Indians were also portrayed as evil in countless western movies and as ruthless savages in others. These stigmatizations make Indians seem more like fantasy characters than real people. Many people do not realize that these stigmatizations are very hurtful and detrimental to society. Segregation, the separation of two or more groups based on physical characteristics, is another issue that still plagues African Americans and Native Americans. From the moment Europeans set foot on what is now America, they have been forcing Indians farther and farther west. The American government created reservations for the Indians so that they could have the valuable resources that they needed. Treaties were signed and broken, and the Indians moved farther along the Trail of Tears. Reservations still exist today and for the most part Native Americans have are not integrated into American society. Most would like to think that after the Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education, segregation no longer exists for African Americans. Sure its not like we still have separate drinking fountains, but by and large blacks and whites are separate. In all major cities large housing projects have been created for low-income persons. The vast majority of the people living there are black. Most inner city schools are almost entirely made up of minorities. Legal segregation is no longer a problem anymore, but social segregation is still a major problem in society today and something needs to be done. Ethnocentrism is the feeling by one group that they are superior to another based on ethnic background. Native Americans have always been the victims of this. They were forced to leave their homeland by the superior Europeans and thought not good enough to live among them. Native Americans still live mostly separate and many people still degrade them and think of them as inferior both mentally and physically. Most people have not been exposed to them yet judge them anyways. This is very sad and disturbing. African Americans were thought of as the lowest, stupidest, least civilized people on earth. The whites thought they were far superior and showed this by literally stealing African Americans from their homeland of Africa and forcing to into slave labor. Even after slavery, white supremacy groups such as the KKK still exist and continue to be a proponent for the inferiority of African Americans. Many think of blacks as being less far less intelligent and civilized even today. Prejudice and discrimination are two of the biggest problems facing African and Native Americans today, and the two go hand in hand. Prejudice involves negative attitudes towards ethnic groups, which can include beliefs, thoughts, and stereotypes. Discrimination is taking action on these prejudices by denying certain rights and opportunities to these groups. Prejudice leads to discrimination of these groups. African Americans as well as Native Americans are discriminated against in employment opportunities, housing options, public school resources, and countless other ways. They are  discriminated against because of these prejudices and stereotypes.For example, say a black man walks into a store with his white friend. The employees of the store are more likely to offer service to the white man and will probably follow the black man to make sure he is not shoplifting. The prejudice views they hold cause them to discriminate against the black man. These problems are very real even today and unless society as a whole addresses them and ways to stop them, they will continue to destroy the fabric of our country.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Different Methods of Chromatography Analysis

Different Methods of Chromatography Analysis General Introduction Health is of prime importance to a human beings and wants to get cured in the least possible time whenever they falls ill. This desire and necessity has resulted in the use of a large number of synthetic organic compounds as medicines despite the fact that usually side effects are associated with the use of these drugs. In recent times, practice of giving a number of drugs together has very much increased. Due to drug interaction, the levels of the active drugs together has very much increased. Due to drugs interaction, the levels of the active drug may be too high for a longer time to cause side effects. Further, the reduction/ oxidation products of these medicines, which are produced during the metabolism may also be responsible for their side effects. It is therefore necessary to develop sensitive trace analytical methods for the analysis of the drugs by using UV Spectrophotometer, most sophisticated and advanced chromatographic techniques like UPLC, GC, HPLC etc. Use of pharmaceutical preparations to make their determination, a matter of for most importance. Due to the great variability of the materials, which are to be analyzed; skillful sampling, preliminary clean-up procedure and selection of a appropriate method in the assay is necessary. With the introduction of new and more potent drugs every year, the pharmaceutical analyst is called upon to devise new analytical methods like chromatographic techniques; with ever increasing sensitivity, specificity and simplicity for new drugs . HISTORY OF CHROMATOGRAPHY1 The study of chromatography happening in eighteenth century when with a immense significance the nature of inorganic compounds was considered on filter paper by Runge. In 1898 Day in USA forced crude petroleum throughout a column of limestone and fuller’s earth. The chromatographic theory was discovered first by a Russian botanist , MichaelTswett (1906) who make use of a glass column of calcium carbonate for separation of chlorophyll pigments from plant by using petroleum ether. The major development occurred around 1930 when Lederer and co-workers in 1931 separated xanthine and lutein on a column of calcium carbonate powder. In 1935 ,Adams and Holmes observed some synthetic ion exchange resins capable of exchanging ions  and thus ion exchange chromatography came in to existence. In 1944, Martin, Consden ,Gorden replaced silica gel columns by strips of filter paper and developed Paper chromatography. Thin layer chromatography though discovered first by Lzmailer and Shraiber , was further developed By Stahl and co-workers using silica gel on glass plates. Amongest the newest and most effective chromatographic technique for analyzing complex mixtures is Gas chromatography. It was introduced by Martin and James in 1952. INTRODUCTION OF CHROMATOGRAPHY1 A variety of methods are available for the separation of components from the mixture. They are mainly divided in to two types. Chemical methods Physical methods. The physical methods include fractional distillation, extraction, counter-current distribution; crystallization etc.These methods are effective in separation, purication and identification of many compounds .how ever difficulty arises in case of compounds where individual components have similar physical and chemical properties i.e mixture of liquids having very close boiling points etc. Chromatographic methods corresponds to the most handy and potent technique for these problems. These chromatographic methods are used for the partition of components of a composite mixture. Because of the quickness and efficiency of this methods, it can be used in all fields particulalarly in chemistry, biology, medicine, dyes, forensic departments and clinical studies. The term Chromatography derived from Greek words Kromatos means colour and Graphos –means written. Tswett defined chromatography as the technique in which the components of a combination are separated on an adsorbent column in a flowing system. As per IUPAC Chromatography is defined as a method used mainly for the division of the components of a sample ,in which the components are disseminated between two phases, one of which is stationary whereas the other moves. The stationary phase might be a solid or a liquid support on a solid or a gel, and might be packed in a column ,spread as a layer or disseminated as a film. The mobile phase possibly will be gaseous or liquid. First and foremost for the partition of the components of a sample , in which the components are disseminated . TYPES OF CHROMATOGRAPHY: Chromatographic methods can be classified on the basis of stationary and mobile phases used, depending on the stationary and the mobile phase used, separation occurs because of a combination of two or more factors such as extent of adsorption, rate of migration and capillary action etc†¦ Different types of chromatographic techniques as follows a. Adsorption chromatography b. Partition chromatography c. Paper chromatography d. Thin layer chromatography e. Gas-liquid chromatography f. Gas-solid chromatography g. Ion exchange chromatography A Adsorption Chromatography: The principle underlying the separation of the compounds is adsorption at the solid –liquid interface, for successful separation , the compounds of a mixture must show different degrees of affinity for the solid support and the interaction between adsorbent and component must be reversible, as the adsorbent is washed with fresh solvent the various components will therefore move down the column until, ultimately, they are arranged in order of their affinity for the adsorbent ,those with least affinity move Paper chromatography: Paper partition chromatography was developed by consden et al, In this paper partition chromatography paper is used as the support or adsorbent but partition probably plays a greater part than adsorption in the separation of components of the mixtures In this chromatography substances are distributed between two liquids ie one is the stationary liquid (generally water )which is detained in the fibers of the paper and is called as stationary phase, the other is the touching liquid or rising solvent and is called moving phase, The components of the mixture to be separated at different rates and appear as spots at different points on the paper The moment of components on the paper depends on the amount and nature of the stationary phase compared with the amount of mobile phase in the same part of the paper and also on the partition coefficient The rate of movement of mobile phase at the solvent front tends to be faster than at the position of the component on the paper ,it is better to defined as Rf RF= DISTANCE traveled by centre of component /Distance travelled by solvent front Types of paper chromatography 1 Descending chromatography Is defined as while the development of the paper is made by permiting the solvent to travel down the paper Advantage: 1. The development can be continued indefinitely even though the solvents run off at the other end of the paper 2. Ascending chromatography once the improvement of the paper is done by permitted the solvent to move up the paper it is recognized as ascending technique 3. Ascending – Descending chromatography In this procedure the upper fraction of the ascending chromatography can be folded over a glass rod permit the ascending expansion to change over into the descending after crossing the glass rod 4. Radial Paper chromatography This is also known as circular paper chromatography, this constructs utilize of radial development 5. Two dimensional chromatography In this a square or rectangular paper is utilized the sample is applied to one of the spot of the paper. The second development is performed at right angle to the direction of the first run This type of chromatography can be conceded out with identical solvent systems in the both the directions or by two solvent systems Importance of paper chromatography It is used for analyzing the polar compounds like amino acids, sugars and natural products, It also has been applied for the separation of many organic and biochemical products Thin layer chromatography: Thin layer chromatography is similar to paper chromatography except that a thin (025 mm) layer of some inert material such as AI2O3, MgO or Si o2 is used as the substrate instead of paper The process of thin layer chromatography was first established by izmailor and shraiber in 1938 Thin layer chromatography offers a faster and more efficient separation than paper chromatography and majority of paper chromatographic separations have now been superseded by thin layer chromatography procedures Thin layer chromatography has many advantages when compared to the other techniques like paper and column chromatography They are It requires very little time for separation Spraying with corrosive agents for credentials is also tolerable which is not achievable in paper chromatography as cellulose gets destroyed The method is used for partition , adsorption ,ion exchange chromatography as there is huge range of adsorbents obtainable This technique can be apply to preparative separation with the aid of thicker layer of adsorbents Thin layer chromatography has been included under both adsorption and partition chromatography ,in this the separation is carried on a glass or plastic plate which is coated with a thin uniform layer of finely divided inert adsorbent such as silica gel or alumina The plates are activated, the solution of the sample in a volatile solvent is applied by using a capillary tube or a micropipette to a spot keeping 1-2 cm from the bottom of TLC Plate ,the position of the sample spot is indicated by making a origin line on the plate with the lead pencil When the blemish has dried, the plate is positioned vertically in a suitable tank with it’s lower edge immersed in selected mobile phase The solvent rises by capillary action, resolving the sample mixture into separate spots at the end of the run the solvent is tolerable to vanish from the plate and the separated spots are situated and recognized by various physical and chemical methods Preparation of chromate plates With the help of pouring, dipping, spraying and spreading methods the chromatoplates are prepared, with help of qualitative and quantitative methods the TLC plate evaluated Ion exchange chromatography Separation of ionic substances may be carried out in glass columns similar to those described for adsorption and partition chromatography the chromatography medium – stationary phase is an ion exchange resin which is a polymer containing fixed charged groups and replaceable counter ions of the opposite charge, when a sample containing organic or inorganic ions is passed down the column the ions of the same charge as the counter ions displace the counter ions into the mobile phase and are retained on the column cationic and anionic exchange resins have positively and negatively charged counter ions respectively ,and retard the migration of the sample cations and anions respectively , Ion exchange chromatography: Separation of Ionic substances may be carried out in glass columns similar to those describes. Ion exchange resins: Modern resins are based on cross linked polystyrene prepared in bead form by the copolymerization of styrene divinyl benzene (DVB) Most commonly useful resins are prepared with approximately 8% DVB. Strong action exchange resins are prepared by sulphonating the free benzene rings. Strong anion exchange resins includes quaternary ammonium residues are prepared by chloromethylation of the free benzene rings followed by treatment with a tertiary amine salt ex: Trimethylamine amino hydrochloride. The strength and exchange capacities of ion exchange resins depend on the acidic or basic strength of the fine charged group. Thus the strongly acidic suphonic acid and strongly basic quaternary ammoinium groups give strong ion exchange resins with a high exchange capacity. Weaker exchange resins containing the weakly acidic carboxylic acid (COOH) or weakly basic derivatives of ammonia (ex: NHR2+Cl) generally have a lower exchange capacity. Applications: Used for the separation of similar ions Used for softening the hard water Purification of organic compounds Anion exchange chromatography include the assay of total halogenic salts using a resin in the OH form. Anion exchange is also used to separate heamine, and neomycin C from neomycin B t o test for neomycin C in Framycetin sulphate and neomycin sulphate. Gas Chromatography: The division of the components of a combination in the gaseous state could be achieved by partition column chromatography using a gaseous mobile phase was first made by martin and synge in 1941. In gas liquid chromatography: The immobile phase is a thin layer of a non-volatile liquid bound to a solid support and the mobile phase is a gas . A partition process occurs In gas-solid chromatography: Utilizes a solid adsorbent as the stationary phase and an adsorption process takes place Technique of gas chromatography: In this technique the sample is introduces in to the moving carrier gas stream and is carried by it through the column. The column contains either the active solid or a liquid of low vapour pressure held upon an inert solid. The active solid or non volatile liquid act as stationary phase whereas the carrier gas acts as mobile phase. The components of mixture sample distribute between two phases. The solubility or adsorption possessions might vary from component to component and therefore the components are carried along the column at different varies and finally emerge at the outlet of the column in distinct zones separates by the carrier gas. On rising the vapours of the constituent are detected by suitable detector accompanied by an automatic recording. Gas chromatographic appearances consists of Carrier Gas: Ex: Hydrogen, Helium Flow regulators and flow meters Ex: Rota-meter, soap bubble meter Injection devices: Columns Depending on its use:- Analytical Column Preparative Column Depending on its nature Packed column (Placed column are described as analytical column) Open tubular column Support coated open tubular column Temperature control devices Detectors ex: Katharometer Flame ionization factor Argon ionization factor Electron capture factor Recording and integrators Applications of GC: For qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis It is used for finishing of impurities present in the samples It is used for the separation and identification of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, flavours, preservatives, colorants in food as well as vitamins steroids It is used for converting the non-volatile compounds in to volatile compounds by derivatization method. It is used for the determination of solvent residues or solvent if crystallization HPLC: The course of action of high performance liquid chromatography was developed in the late 1960s. The attitude of high performance liquid chromatography is so called because of its improved performance when compared to classified column chromatography. It is also described as high pressure liquid chromatography. Advantages of HPLC: There is ease of sample introduction and sample preparation There is speed of analysis Te analysis by HPLC is specific accurate and precise. It is used for the analysis of many polar, ionic substances, metabolic products and thermo-labile as well as non-volatile substances. Principles of HPLC: The technique is based on the same modes of separation as classified column chromatography i.e. partition, ion-exchange, adsorption and gel permeation, but it vary from column chromatography in that the mobile phase is pumped through the packed column under high pressure. Apparatus: the mode of operation of this system is isocratic i.e. one partition solvent or mixture is pumped throughout the analysis. For some determinations the solvent composition may be altered gradually to give gradient elution. Pumps: pumps are mandatory to distribute a stable flow of mobile phase at pressures varying from 1 to 550 bar. They are two types of pumps: Mechanical pumps: if the reciprocating piston type give a pulsating supply of mobile phase Dual piston reciprocating pump produce the two pistons are carefully phased so that simultaneously is filling the other is pumping. Injection systems: Injection ports are of two fundamental types Those in which the sample is injected directly in to the column Those in which the sample is deposed prior to the column bay and then swept by a valving action in to the column by mobile phase.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Changing Lives From The Other Side :: essays research papers

Changing Lives from the Other Side â€Å"To teach is to touch lives forever† is a popular phrase that teachers like to be reminded of. I know this because they almost all have it framed on their desk, up on their walls on posters, or have a t-shirt with the theme on it. Another is â€Å"To teach a child is to change the world.† I haven’t been a teacher, but I work with children and with children’s health at The Little Gym, and I volunteer at the homeless center’s children’s activity room. I can’t say that I’ve touched or changed their lives, but I know that they’ve changed my view on love more than anything else has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All other humans, and I first learned about love from our parents. From birth, we are nurtured and given everything needed for survival. Through this dependence, we develop love for our parents. When we start to learn more about the world, we come in contact with others. I am one of the many people that try to develop or adjust a child’s life for the best. I am probably one of the least important people in the process of the child’s mental and physical growth. But, some children make me feel like the most important person in the world, that only a few worthy people are lucky enough to see a child’s special light and smile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A child’s smile is transparent. Their love can be seen through their smile. Their happiness is so innocent and unselfish, that sometimes, we have to feel like a child to feel that kind of love. Working with kids reminds me to bring myself back to childhood. I have to think, what made me happy when I was a child, what frustrated me, and how can I make that situation better for the child. The groups of children that I work with may compare and contrast to each other in different ways. The Gym’s kids are generally well behaved and easy to please. The homeless center’s kids are disrespectful, but still easy to please. A favorite activity at the homeless center is for the children to throw toys around the room when they can’t get their way. These kids need extra attention to calm down and to explain sharing to. But if I was a raging kid, I wouldn’t want to be talked to. I would need other entertainment to keep my mind on, and fast.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Go out for dinner

When people ask to go out and have coffee, it does not only mean to drink coffee. It has more meaning of to socialize, rather than to get rid off of the thirst they have. This can also be seen when people ask to have dinner. When people finish their work or classes, they feel relief and want to enjoy their free time. A lot of the times, people finish their work in the evening and they try to socialize by asking to have dinner.Although some people can not drink alcohol or do not Like to go to bar or pub, hen asking to have dinner can be used for anyone to socialize. To have dinner together, people have be hungry. Asking to have dinner can be a chance to not only have dinner together, but also spend time until they become hungry. For example, If people want to have dinner together but they are Just a little hungry, they can hangout; for example, go out to watch a movie until they feel hunger. Moreover, If they want to talk more after dinner, they can go drink.Then having dinner means n ot only to eat food together, but also to spend time from the evening to the night. However, when a person tries to ask other sex for dinner, â€Å"having dinner,† there comes up another meaning of the term. When a man asks a woman to go lunch, she should not be anxious about her appearance very much, but when he asks her to go out for dinner, she should. When a man and a woman have dinner have special meaning. It means eating delicious food with formal appearance and appropriate manner.That a man asks a woman to have dinner implies he thinks she is special and wants to make romantic mood among them. Men ask women to have dinner especially when men try to tell a declaration of love, celebrate their special day, or to propose to women. Then in a relationship between men and women, having dinner together means to arrange special time or day. As I stated in this paper, there are two main usage in term, â€Å"having dinner. † It is granted as socializing term widely and ma ny people have dinner with others to socialize.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |COM/100 | | |Introduction to Communication |Copyright  © 2012, 2010, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is an introduction to the field of communication with emphasis on the history of communication study, concepts important to all areas of communication, the contexts in which communication occurs, and the issues that must be faced by students of communication. The course serves as an introduction to the strands of communication: interpersonal, small groups and teams, mass communication, organizational, intercultural, and rhetoric.Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: †¢ University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. †¢ Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University poli cies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class.Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Beebe, S. A. , Beebe, S. J. , & Ivy, D. K. (2013). Communication: Principles for a lifetime (5th ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. West, R. , & Turner, L. H. (2004). Introducing communication theory: Analysis and application (2nd ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. West, R. , & Turner, L. H. 2010). Introducing communication theory: Analysis and application (4th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: Overview of Communication | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Identify historical developments in communications. | | | |Identify communication models. | | | | |Explain how communication affects self-concept. | | | |Reading |Re ad Ch. 1 of Introducing Communication Theory (2010). | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 2 of Communication: Principles of a Lifetime. | | |Reading |Read University of Phoenix Material: The Contexts and Theories of Communication document | | | | |located on the student website. | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |Two posts on each |20 | | |of four different | | | | |days | | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |DQ #1 on Day 3, DQ|15 | | | |#2 and #3 on Day 5| | |Learning Team |Complete the Learning Team Charter. Day 7 |10 | |Learning Team Charter |Resource: Learning Team Toolkit | | | |Individual |Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Introduction to Communication Worksheet located |Day 7 |25 | |Introduction to Communication |on the student website. | | | |Worksheet | | | | Week Two: Verbal, Nonverbal, and Interpersonal Communication | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objective s | | | | | |Distinguish between verbal and nonverbal messages. | | | |Recognize types of interpersonal communication. | | | | |Identify conflict management stages. | | | | |Identify interview techniques. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 3 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 5 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 7 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 8 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Appendix A in Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |Two posts on |20 | | | |each of four | | | | |different days | | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. DQ #1 on Day 3,|15 | | | |DQ #2 and #3 on| | | | |Day 5 | | |Learning Team |Complete response of 250-300 w ords to the following: Describe the positive and negative |Day 4 |10 | |Learning Team Exercises |effects that a modern form of communications has had on business and personal communications. | | | | | | | | |Post in the Main forum. | | | |Individual |Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Nonverbal, Interpersonal, and Textual |Day 7 |25 | |Nonverbal, Interpersonal, and |Communication Worksheet located on the student website. | | |Textual Communication | | | | |Worksheet | | | | |Learning Team |Write a 500- to 750-word summary about the stages of conflict management. What steps will a |Day 7 |30 | |Conflict Resolution Paper |team take to resolve conflict? What are the consequences of exhibiting behavior that could | | | | |have a negative effect on the team? | | | | | | | | |Explain how you would handle the following situations: | | | | | | | | | |A team member who does not submit his or her portion of an assignment | | | | |A team member who does not meet deadlines | | | | |A team member who wants to control the completion of all assignments | | | | |A team member who submits work that is below team standards | | | | |A team member who does not cite sources | | | | |A team member who is not open to others’ ways of doing things | | | | |A personality conflict between two team members | | | | |Team members who post derogatory messages directed at others | | | | | | | | | |Describe the different interview skills and techniques you used to collect information on | | | | |conflict resolution methods from Learning Team members. | | | | | | | | |Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | | |Week Three: Small Group and Team Communications | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | | |Identify elements of group dynamics. | | | | |Identify group development phases. | | | |Recognize characteristics of effective teams. | | | | |Identify problem-solving steps. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 9 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Readi ng |Read Ch. 10 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. Two posts on |20 | | | |each of four | | | | |different days | | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |DQ #1 on Day 3,|15 | | | |DQ #2 and #3 on| | | | |Day 5 | | |Learning Team |Complete response of 250-300 words to the following: Review Ch. 0 of Communication: |Day 4 |10 | |Learning Team Exercises |Principles for a Lifetime. Discuss any concept that a team member is having a difficult time | | | | |understanding and examine the importance and applicability of this week’s concepts to each | | | | |team member and to society in general. | | | | | | | | | |Post in the Main forum. | | |Learning Team Instructions |Take the Leadership and Group Dynamics Self-Assessment by clicking the link on the student | | | |Group Dynamics |website. | | | | | | | | | |Discuss your indiv idual results in the Learning Team forum. | | | |Individual |Recall a small team or group you have been a part of. |Day 7 |55 | |Small Team and Group Paper | | | | | |Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about your experience. | | | | | | | | |Provide a brief description of the team or group. How many members did it include? What was | | | | |its purpose? | | | | | | | | | |Describe the behaviors the team or group exhibited as it went through each stage of | | | | |development. | | | | | | | | |Describe a problem the team or group encountered. What steps were taken to address and solve | | | | |the problem? Was the team or group able to generate a successful solution? Why or why not? | | | | | | | | | |Discuss the influence that leadership—or the lack of leadership—had on the team’s or group’s | | | | |ability to solve the problem. What style of leadership did the leader exhibit?What | | | | |problem-solving steps were taken to resolve the situation? What ste ps would have produced | | | | |better results? | | | | | | | | | |Explain whether the team or group was effective. Support your position by discussing goals, | | | | |roles, ground rules, norms, and characteristics your team or group displayed.How did these | | | | |characteristics affect the team’s or group’s ability to accomplish its purpose and solve the | | | | |problem it encountered? | | | | | | | | | |Analyze how communication contributed to cohesiveness. Identify and address how diversity or | | | | |technology affected the team or group members’ ability to communicate with one another to | | | | |reach a resolution. | | | | | | | | |Explain your thoughts on how goals, roles, ground rules, and norms help determine | | | | |effectiveness. How did these characteristics affect the team’s or group’s ability to | | | | |accomplish its purpose and solve the problem? | | | | | | | | | |Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. | | | Week Four: Mass Communication and Presentations | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | | |Explain how mass communication influences society. | | | | |Identify presentation techniques. | | | | |Distinguish between informative and persuasive presentations. | | |Reading |Read Ch. 11 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 12 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 13 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 14 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. Two posts on |20 | | | |each of four | | | | |different days | | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |DQ #1 on Day 3,|15 | | | |DQ #2 and #3 on| | | | |Day 5 | | |Learning Team |Complete the following in 250-300 words: Consider the speeches you have heard and the |Day 4 |10 | |Learning Team Exerc ises |conferences you have attended in the past.Think about the speaker’s presentation style and | | | | |discuss among team members the following: | | | | | | | | | |Name of the speaker and the event at which he or she was speaking | | | | |Nonverbal communication and body language used | | | | |Voice reflections used | | | |Eye contact used | | | | |Verbal communication used | | | | | | | | | |For the formal/written part of the assignment, Identify five or more presentation best | | | | |practices. | | | | | | | | |Post in the Main forum. | | | |Nongraded Activities and |The best way to learn public speaking—other than actually doing it—is to observe other | | | |Preparation |speakers in action and analyze what factors contributed to the strengths or weaknesses of | | | |Speech Analysis |their presentations. | | | | | | | | |Watch Randy Pausch’s speech located on the student website. | | | | | | | | | |Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Indi vidual Speech Evaluation Form. | | | |Learning Team |Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation that traces the rise and fall of|Day 7 |40 | |America’s Smoke Screen |the tobacco industry’s advertising campaigns from the 1920s to the present. | | | |Presentation | | | | |Develop a presentation that outlines strategies the tobacco industry used to improve its | | | | |image and convince the public of its sincerity. | | | | | | | | | |Use an informative or persuasive approach to illustrate how the tobacco industry demonstrated| | | | |it is serious about its efforts to improve its image. | | | | | | | | |Cite at least two references from University Library for every team member. | | | | | | | | | |Format your references consistent with APA guidelines. | | | | | | | | | |Deliver your presentation and submit your presentation file or link. | | | | | | | | |For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft ® PowerPoint  ®| | | | |presentations. | | | | |For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentations with | | | | |notes. | | | Week Five: Special Issues and Research Methods in Communication | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | | |Explain how diversity affects communication. | | | | |Identify communication technologies. | | | | |Recognize the role of ethics in communication. | | | |Identify research methods used in communication. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 6 of Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 3 of Introducing Communication Theory (2010). | | | |Reading |Read â€Å"Methods of Inquiry† in Ch. 4 of Introducing Communication Theory (2004). | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. Two posts on |20 | | | |each of four | | | | |different days | | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. |DQ #1 on Day 3,|15 | | | |DQ #2 and #3 on| | | | |Day 5 | | |Learning Team |Complete the following: Select two cultures other than your own and compare those cultures to|Day 4 |10 | |Learning Team Exercises |your cultural background. | | | | | | | | |Consider the following: | | | | | | | | | |What are the differences in how men and women are viewed in each culture? | | | | |List two social customs of each culture. How do they differ from your culture? | | | | |Compare cultural values and how they differ from your culture. Refer to Ch. of | | | | |Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. | | | | | | | | | |Also complete the following as a team: | | | | | | | | | |Discuss any concept that a team member is having a difficult time understanding. | | | |Examine the importance and applicability of this week’s concepts to each team member and to | | | | |society in general. | | | | | | | | | |Post in the Main forum. | | | |Individual |Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: New Business Product, and select|Day 7 |60 | |New Business Analysis |one option to complete the assignment.You can choose from the following options: | | | | | | | | | |Option 1: Product Market Analysis Paper | | | | |Option 2: New Advertising Campaign | | | |Learning Team |Resource: Communication Research Methods Activity located on the student website |Day 7 |40 | |Special Issues Presentation | | | | | |Prepare an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation on special issues in | | | | |communication.Discuss the following in your presentation as they relate to communication: | | | | | | | | | |Diversity | | | | |Ethics | | | | |Technology | | | | |Mass communication | | | | | | | | | |Include how these issues relate to each other. For instance, How do gender differences affect| | | | |communication?How does technology affect communication between different cultures? Does | | | | |diversity affect ethical decisions? How does technology affect ethical decision making? | | | | | | | | | |Identify the research approach typically used for each issue by filling out the University of| | | | |Phoenix Material: Communication Research Methods Matrix. | | | | | | | | |Include a summary of the matrix in your presentation. | | | | | | | | | |Deliver your presentation and submit your presentation file or link. | | | | | | | | | |For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft ® PowerPoint ®| | | | |presentations. | | | |For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentations with | | | | |notes. | | | Copyright University of Phoenix ® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft ®, Windows ®, and Windows NT ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these ma rks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix ® editorial standards and practices.